Category Archives: NEWS

Prevent ingrown hairs

Prevent ingrown hairs

Prevent ingrown hairs with 7 ways you may not know. Ingrown hairs are a common skin problem for both men and women. But people with curly and shaggy hair are more likely to get ingrown hairs than normal people. Ingrown hairs are caused by hair growing back

8 habits that make you more stressed

8 habits that make you more stressed

I can’t deny that when we grow up Responsibility will increase as a shadow. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people have symptoms of stress or anxiety about various matters, especially work. However, certain habits can make you equally anxious. which fears or feelings of insecurity may affect daily

Are we addicted to gambling?

Are we addicted to gambling? Try doing a screening

                Are we addicted to gambling? Try doing a screening. Below is a screening test for gambling addiction simple, if answered “yes” from 7 to show that the person is likely to have a problem gambling is.           1. Time or duration of your damage. Gambling

Gambling addiction is a mental disorder.

Gambling addiction is a mental disorder.

         Gambling addiction is a mental disorder. Gambling Disease or the English name Pathological Gambling or Gambling Disorder is a type of psychiatric disorder. Patients with this condition cannot resist their urge or their own cravings. And will have symptoms of obsession like the patient thinks and repeats Or

How to cure a feeling of fatigue

How to cure a feeling of fatigue

How to cure a feeling of fatigue, tiredness, and how to get rid of laziness.           1. Sleep for a good time. Wake up for time System to encourage the body to function normally.           2. Try not to sleep more than 8 hours per day          

Check out how exhaustion

Check out how exhaustion, tiredness and lazy are different.

Check out how exhaustion, tiredness and lazy are different. If you want to easily check your body, you may need to observe how long your exhaustion is. Such as feeling tired easily. Seems to be exhausted every day. But after taking a break, it disappears And still have

7 Techniques: Simple Healthy

7 Techniques: Simple Healthy

7 Techniques: Simple Healthy. Everyone wants to be healthy. If you wish to believe that Article 3 of the Act requires that health is uncertain because of a “healthy” is what everyone desires. But way easier than asking for that blessing Is to know how to create good health for oneself Longevity Being healthy,

Hemp planting

Hemp planting

       Hemp planting and 10 things you should know before applying for permission. To plant hemp after the state has unlocked it for planting Effective from 29 Jan, what are the steps?           After the government and the Ministry of Public Health have signed a license