Monthly Archives: May 2021

Are we addicted to gambling?

Are we addicted to gambling? Try doing a screening

                Are we addicted to gambling? Try doing a screening. Below is a screening test for gambling addiction simple, if answered “yes” from 7 to show that the person is likely to have a problem gambling is.           1. Time or duration of your damage. Gambling

Gambling addiction is a mental disorder.

Gambling addiction is a mental disorder.

         Gambling addiction is a mental disorder. Gambling Disease or the English name Pathological Gambling or Gambling Disorder is a type of psychiatric disorder. Patients with this condition cannot resist their urge or their own cravings. And will have symptoms of obsession like the patient thinks and repeats Or

How to cure a feeling of fatigue

How to cure a feeling of fatigue

How to cure a feeling of fatigue, tiredness, and how to get rid of laziness.           1. Sleep for a good time. Wake up for time System to encourage the body to function normally.           2. Try not to sleep more than 8 hours per day          

Check out how exhaustion

Check out how exhaustion, tiredness and lazy are different.

Check out how exhaustion, tiredness and lazy are different. If you want to easily check your body, you may need to observe how long your exhaustion is. Such as feeling tired easily. Seems to be exhausted every day. But after taking a break, it disappears And still have