7 Techniques: Simple Healthy. Everyone wants to be healthy. If you wish to believe that Article 3 of the Act requires that health is uncertain because of a “healthy” is what everyone desires. But way easier than asking for that blessing Is to know how to create good health for oneself Longevity Being healthy, happy, and living a balanced life are what many people desire. Today, we bring you some tips that will help you live the life you expect.
1. Sing in the bathroom
Findings from Harvard and Yale University USA It was concluded that choirs who read and sang rhythmically had an increased life expectancy because of reduced stress and depression.
2. Laugh often
Research has shown that laughter boosts the body’s immune level. decreases stress hormones, and stimulates T-cells in the fight against cancer.
3. Have regular sex at least twice a week.
According to a Welsh study, people who had sex less than twice a week were twice as likely to die before their time. It also reduces stress and improves sleep.
4. I have a young mother
Research from the University of Chicago, USA, found that people born to mothers under the age of 25 are more likely to live to 100 years than those born to older mothers. because the best eggs are those born from older mothers. That young mother.
5. Walk rather than sit still.
Research from Australia has found that prolonged sitting is risky for short-term life and negative health. Years and over sit watching TV or playing games for more than 1 hour, life expectancy is shortened every 22 minutes.
6. Study
A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States found. That people who live at a bachelor’s degree or above live nine years longer. Its longer than those who do not graduate from high school. A school or university is an opportunity to plan for the future, health and well being.